We as a communal species are at a pivotal point in our human evolution where we are faced with the need for a critical course correction. Our reality is changing, power dynamics are shifting, and marginalized communities are redefining their place in this world. This metamorphosis, like all aspects of change, naturally creates fear and conflict as the current dominant culture clings to and fights for the familiar comforts of the way things were. Inherent in the definition of the word culture is the way that people do things. Culture defines what is acceptable and what is not. We explore culture through the lens of "othering" and the way in which our dimensions of diversity affect how we navigate through life. In our exploration, we begin to uncover how we have been taught to categorize certain aspects of these bodies, to lay the foundation for how we have treated and viewed one another.
A fundamental flaw in our foundation is the failure to pick up the mirror and do the work of coming to fully understand ourselves as individuals who ultimately become part of a collective community in a societal structure. The foundational aspect of evolution is the survival of the fittest through natural selection, but the broader view of this concept is that communities rather than individuals are more likely to survive. Communities rely on cooperation and mutually beneficial practices; generosity, compassion, contribution, and support are key elements in determining a community’s survival. The social construct of race and the ensuing process of classifying humans are designed to divide our communities into dichotomous hierarchical systems that directly oppose successful human evolution. If we choose not to come together as a species to address these threats to our existence the outcome will inevitably be a rapid descent into complete chaos which only reinforces the divides. The healing process for humanity begins with doing our own inner work as individuals and identifying and uprooting the origins of our divisions, divisions held at an individual level and sustained at a collective level. We must find a way to address where these divisions dwell within us, and how they have affected the way in which we navigate our world.
The Enneagram, when studied and implemented correctly, teaches us how to be together in community through connection and interrelatedness. Our ability to relate to one another is dependent on how we invest our time and efforts into understanding the connections
People of Color are dying unnecessarily around the world. People who identify with the Gender & Sexual Diversity Community are dying unnecessarily around the world. The socioeconomically disadvantaged are dying unnecessarily around the world. Our sisters, brothers, and siblings are being pushed to the margins of society based on a myriad of factors relating to their dimensions of diversity. Humans from all different backgrounds are still being harassed, bullied, and subjugated to inhumane treatment that steals our dignity and robs us of our humanity. It is past time for us to all step up and become accountable for the evolution of our species. This is not easy work. This is an intentional engagement of our 3 centers to strengthen our knowledge awareness and skills to bring all of humanity together as one race. The human race. Part of embracing all of humanity requires that we do our individual work and bring ourselves together in a community of conscious allies.
The collective work is to face our biases. By doing this, we interrupt our unconscious bias that is always operating in the background on autopilot. It is only when we surface our stereotypes that we can begin to peel back the layers of fear that cause us to continuously re-enact our human drama. If you are a student or teacher of the Enneagram, there is intentional work that is needed to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion through our 9 different lenses. This is work that I have taught in organizations for over 20 years, and this is the time to bring this work out into the world to a collective body of Enneagram practitioners as a part of our ongoing work.
For Enneagram practitioners that are working with businesses, IDEA may be a missing part of your skillset and offering to organizations. Our approach to traditional "DEI" work is unparalleled as we incorporate the wisdom of the Enneagram to bring Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-racism awareness to heal humanity and reconnect people across differences. For individuals who are looking to do the inner work necessary to move from apathy into advocacy, this class is your way in. Once you have learned to start healing the wounds in yourself you can begin your journey to heal humanity.
Participants who enroll must read Know Justice Know Peace prior to the start of this program.
The Enneagram Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism Certification Program is a highly regarded IEA Accredited Training Program for therapists, teachers, coaches, and Enneagram practitioners. If you are a student or teacher of the Enneagram, there is intentional work that is needed to embrace inclusion diversity, equity, and anti-racism through our 9 different lenses.
Learn how to advocate for all of humanity by:
using the Enneagram as a cornerstone of IDEA tools to help create social equity and eliminate institutional bias.
uncovering how our self-identification and our individual Humanity Mosaic affect how we navigate through the world
understanding the intention versus the impact of language such as: white fragility, power, privilege, disparity, marginalized communities, and social justice.
embracing our similarities, exploring differences and celebrating our common ground.
exploring unconscious bias through 9 different lenses.
examining how our fixation and passion of Enneagram type stops us from being active as a cultural ally.
working with the Enneagram Lines and Arrows to help unlock some of the inherent fear across differences.
standing firmly in the space of a “cultural ally” to intervene when microaggressions and daily indignities are present.
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Over the course of approximately 10 weeks, we will meet virtually via a private Zoom room for 2 1/2 hours. For the few weeks, we will meet to create a safe container and a bonded community. Each of the remaining sessions will be designed to deepen your awareness and understanding of what it takes to show up as an Ally, Advocate, or Love Warrior and participate in the healing of humanity. At the end of our virtual sessions, we will come together in person for a week-long intensive.

Upon successful completion of the entire program and the week long intensive students can become
If you successfully complete this program, you will be a Certified Enneagram I.D.E.A.™ Practitioner and can use the official badge in your communications and on social media. As Certified Enneagram I.D.E.A.™ Practitioner you are not certified to facilitate the curriculum. You can use what you have gained from the course in your own practices to create more inclusive and diverse offerings as a coach, consultant, therapist, or individual.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there payment plans available?
Yes. Payment plans are available upon request. Please contact us immediately if you wish to set up a payment plan before you register for the 2023 Cohort. You can also pay a $500 nonrefundable deposit to secure your seat in the 2023 Cohort while you set up a payment plan.
What if I need to miss a class? Will there be recordings made available?
The space we create as a bonded community is sacred, safe, and confidential-- and it must be preserved. As such we do not permit external recordings. The sessions are internally recorded for Dr. Egerton and her Team to review; however, they will not be shared with the class unless otherwise stated before each session. You will not receive a recording of the classes if you miss the live session.
What can I use my certification for?
When you graduate from the Enneagram IDEA Certification Program you will receive a certificate and a digital badge to use on your communications and on social media, should you choose to do so. This certificate proves that you have completed a rigorous program and are now a Certified Enneagram IDEA Practitioner. You can use this title in your career and as an individual. Many of our past graduates have applied their Certified status in their coaching practices, as independent therapists, and as inclusion, diversity, equity, and anti-racism consultants. While you are not authorized to facilitate the curriculum of this course you can utilize the knowledge and skills gained to develop a new approach to your practices.
Will I be required to attend the in-person intensive?
Yes. Attendance is mandatory for you to receive your certification. If you think you may experience challenges in planning to attend, please contact us before signing up for this class.
Are there any prerequisites for this course?
You will be required to have at least a beginner's knowledge of the Enneagram. We encourage all participants to take a few online tests, read about each type, and familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of how the Enneagram system works. You are also required to read Know Justice Know Peace prior to the beginning of this course. We will be referencing the content of KJKP throughout the curriculum.